
To find the yellow brick road towards meaningful employment, young people must have access to quality training, education and support.

The JobHive project spanned 2 years working with young people to understand their experience navigating the world of work. From this, JobHive created the tools, the conversation and the opportunities for young people to uncover and amplify their own strengths and abilities; set motivating employment – related goals; create a positive and practical vision of work; write fantastic resumes and cover letters; and future proof their careers!

The JobHive Toolkit will help you build confidence, resilience and hope in an engaging and impactful way.


The JobHive Toolkit will guide you through the windy road of setting goals, undertaking training & finding meaningful work. The tools are aimed at building your own superpowers, confidence, resilience & hope.

Have a look through the tools and see if anything pops out at you!

Part One - Setting Goals
Part Two - Setting Intentions
Part Three - Getting Set For Work

Hint: Download the “Spreads” versions of the tools you like if you plan on printing them like a little booklet. Alternatively, download the “Single Pages” if you plan on using them like individual worksheets. So many options!

Get set, Hivers!


The Goal Setting tools can be used together or on their own to pin-point your unique strengths, set goals that are meaningful to you & then map out steps to achieving those wins!


Ninja Cards

The Ninja Cards are nifty little guys who can help you identify your own unique strengths and opportunities in relation to your employment journey.


Goal Kicker

After having a go at the Ninja Cards, take a look at where you might like to set some goals. Then take your Goal Kicker outcomes over to Map My Future.


Map My Future

It can be overwhelming trying to figure out what you want, how to get there and where to start. This map, complete with example goals, can help you jot down a plan-of-attack. This tool is best used after the Ninja Cards and Goal Kicker.


Getting organised & getting into the right frame of mind can be a powerful way to start your journey.


Sweet Talk

Raise your confidence and self-belief so you can start building an awesome career and life!


Make It Happen

So you’ve turned over a new leaf, decided it’s time to motivate yourself or it’s the beginning of a brand new year… No matter the time, this is the perfect time to start a fresh. If you could make anything happen this year, what would it be?


Wrap It Up

Making goals for the next year can benefit from a stocktake of the year that was. Take a look at what worked and what didn’t, what new things you tried, success and wins, and learnings.


Set Intentions

Setting some intentions for the next 3-6-12 months is a powerful way to set your mind and believe in yourself. Give it a go!


Dream It Out

Success can mean so many things to so many different people. What does success mean to you?

Brainstorming is a great way to get some creative ideas flowing. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?!


Values & The Big Picture

This can be a great time to check in on the various aspects of life that give you meaning. This can help you gain perspective and set intentions for the coming 12 months!


Becoming job-ready is more than building skills towards a particular occupation.

The below tools will help you grow in areas that will support you in building confidence, hope, resilience and motivation to move through the journey that awaits. They will also help you create a vision of work and work-life looks like, become job-ready, create your Resume and Covering Letter, apply for jobs, prepare for interviews, know how to keep a job and prepare for the future. How cool is that?!


The Rad Resume Builder

Resumes are a traditional means for conveying your professional strengths and experience to a potential employer. This workbook can help you put yours down on paper.


Resume Template

Make a start on your Resume by filling in the Resume Template. Feel free to make it your own!


Hire Me

Tips on how to promote your professional self online in order to seek and find employment.


Snakes & Ladders

Explore challenges and successes along the road to meaningful employment. This is JobHive’s spin on the all-time-favourite game with an added card set to improve your odds at making it to the finish!


Careers & Callings

You don’t need to find a calling to find meaningful work. However, it can be rewarding to strive for something that gives you meaning, even if you don’t know what that is yet! Being curious is the key.


Rad Routines

Fingers crossed, the previous tools have helped you uncover what’s important to you. You may also have nutted-out your top 3 goals for the coming few months. Now’s the time to picture the small daily steps that can help make your goals come to life.


Prep Yo’ Self

Prompts to help you prepare for your next job interview. If you’re keen on visuals, print these out as posters and display them along a corridor. Otherwise, print them out like a booklet and peruse them in the lead up to your interview.


Interview Ready

A mock interview activity to prepare for the big day.


Proof Your Future

Check out these handy tips to prepare you for your fruitful future of work.
